ACCOMMODATION Villa Basta Naturcamping (straight across from the main road) will open as a festival camping area. More info on this link For other accommodation options we refer to Tingsryds Turistbyråer.
BAG BAN At the moment there is a bag ban at all major event in Sweden that require a police permit. This includes Korrö Folk music festival. This currently means that you cannot bring any bags into the festival area. We will update here on our website continuously if and when new information will be released. Bringing your instrument into the festival area is part of the festival for many people, but be prepared for special rules regarding this.
You can travel by bus from ”Växjö Station” spot/location D to ”Korrö”. You find routes/schedule on lanstrafikenkron.se.
CDs Below the ‘Logen’ stage is a tent where records, CDs, books and more will be sold. There is also an information desk there.
FOOD There is a restaurant, a store, a café, and food trucks etc on the festival site. The nearest shops are in Rävemåla and Linneryd.
GETTING HERE Korrö Folk Festival takes place at Korrö Hantverksby / Korrö Vandrarhem, which is located between Linneryd and Rävemål on road 122. It takes about 45 minutes from Växjö by car. GPS coordinates: N56.625359 °, E15.19804 °.
INFORMATION CENTRE There will be a tent below the ‘Logen’ stage where CDs, book and other merchandise will be sold. There will also be an information desk there.
LÅTERIET ‘Låteriet’ is a specific tent where there will be sessions with special guests! See the schedule outside the tent and online.
MEDICAL SERVICES Available on site below the ‘Logen’ stage.
PARKING There is parking available within walking distance of the festival. Accessible parking is available for those who need it.
PROVA PÅ! Prova på (Swedish for trying something new!) is exactly what it sounds like! Try dancing and singing so you are ready for the evening’s activities.
TICKETS Tickets can be found via korrofestivalen.se/biljetter. Buying your tickets in advance will make for a quicker entry to the festival. Early bird tickets until 27th of June.
TOILETS Toilets are located between the ‘Logen’ stage and the Café, in the middle of the gravel field. There is an accessible toilet inside the restaurant.
T-SHIRTS & MERCHANDISE This year we have, among other things, produced a new Korrö Folk Festival t-shirt. You can find it in the tent below the ‘Logen’ stage where CDs, books, records etc are also sold.
WATER There is a water tap on the side of the Café building.
WORKSHOPS/VERKSTÄDER There are a number of workshops/verkstäder being held during the festival for those of you who want to immerse yourselves in playing, singing and dancing. Special tickets needed and tickets are to be purchased here.